A microwave oven is an electrical appliance that has become a regular fixture in almost every home. Because this type of device is easy to use, convenient + fast. Plus, it can be applied to cook a variety of dishes. (It’s not just good for warming food.) At the same time, many people overlook the correct way to use it safely. This may lead to unexpected dangers.

How to use a microwave safely
- Always use a cover on food containers before heating them in the microwave. And it should be a lid with ventilation holes. This is to prevent the container inside from overheating. Because it may explode.
- Place the microwave in a well-ventilated area. There are spaces on all 4 sides for ventilation. Do not set it close to the wall.
- It is not UFABET recommend to overheat food in the microwave. Should use medium heat. and increase the heating time for a longer time It will help dissipate heat. And allows food to be cook more evenly.
- Always use heat-resistant gloves or a thick cloth before removing food from the microwave.
- Do not heat food for too long. This may cause the food to boil and erupt. It is recommend to warm it up for a short period of time. Then keep turning it on to check if it’s hot enough or not.
- Use only containers that are label as microwaveable. By observing the symbol on the label. or on the packaging
- Do not bring foreign objects or other materials That is strictly not food heat in the microwave.
- Cleaning the microwave Inside, wipe with a soft, dry cloth. The outside part may be moisten with a little soapy water. Allow to dry completely before using the microwave.
- Cleaning glass plates or turntables Take it out and wash it with warm water mixed with soap. Wipe completely dry. Then put it back in.
- Another point that allows you to use the microwave safely. is choosing to buy a microwave that is suitable for use. Let’s go see that. Before buying a microwave, what should you choose from?
Many people probably already understand which method of using a microwave is correct and which method is wrong. Next, let’s see whether heating food with a microwave is dangerous or not. For heating food in a microwave, the principle of incident waves is use. The microwave waves will affect the food. This causes the water molecules inside the microwave to vibrate. And rub against each other until heat is generat and make food cook Therefore, heating food in a microwave causes the water particles to vibrate. and becomes heat without changing the structure of the food.
Therefore, heating food in a microwave is not dangerous. or have negative effects on health But eating frozen food regularly You must consider how to soak food at the appropriate temperature. If food is store incorrectly May cause germs to grow and can affect the digestive system.